Microsoft Services

Microsoft capabilities

KGS TECHNOLOGY GROUP is a Microsoft certified partner and delivers services through a group of IT professionals that specialize in Microsoft products and applications. We have extensive experience in both architecting and prototyping enterprise applications based on MS tools and technologies. KGS is committed to its clients’ success and will define a project execution plan and cost-effective solutions to best meet clients’ needs.

MS Messaging, Active Directory, Sharepoint Portal, Content Management Services DOT.NET, XML, COM+ and SQL 2000-based enterprise application development, mobile applications using MSCE migration of data and applications from Legacy to MS environment.

Core strengths of the Microsoft Competency Center include:

  • Large talent pool with expertise in .NET, development through extensive training and live customer projects
  • Rich experience in development and deployment of web services
  • Expertise on .NET remoting over the Internet
  • Large repository of comprehensive training materials, technical papers, best practices, case studies, and research as well as development of reusable components.

Microsoft technology skill sets include:

Programming Languages – C#, .NET, VB, C++, C, Microsoft Visual Basic, VBA, Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC),MVC, Win 32SDK

Internet Scripting Languages – HTML/DHTML, ASP, VBScript, JavaScript, XML/XSLT

Integrated Development Environments – Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft .NET Visual Studio Rational Rose.

Databases – MS SQL Server 7.0 2000, MS Replication, OLAP, SQL Server IIS Integration.

Middleware – Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS), Microsoft Message Queue Server (MSMQ), Microsoft BizTalk Server, SharePoint Portal, Microsoft Exchange Server.

Internet Web and application Servers – Internet Information Server (IIS), Custom developed Server using Microsoft.NET, Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2003.

Integration Standards – Microsoft Active Directory, COM/DCOM/COM+, SOAP, XML, Microsoft DNA, Microsoft.NET.

Architectures – Client/Server, Distributed Systems, Multi-tiered Systems, Enterprise Integration, Concurrent Processing, Multi-threading.
Software Development Methodologies –KGS TECHNOLOGY GROUP Process, Object Oriented System Development (OOSD), Rapid Application Development (RAD), Spiral & Interactive SDLC.

Security – Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server, SSL, Key Management & Digital Certificates, RSA and DSA public key (asymmetric) encryption, SHA1, DES, TripleDES, and RC2 private key(symmetric) encryption.


  • Solutions development
  • Web services
  • System integration
  • Re-engineering Services
  • Migration Services


  • Streamlined application deployment
  • Proven expertise
  • Interoperability with diverse systems, including legacy systems
  • Enhanced security
  • Reliably connects and supports both stationary and mobile devices
