Business Analysis Service

Business Analysis Services

KGS Technology Group has extensive experience in conduction strategic business analysis in the development of software. KGS TECHNOLOGY GROUP’s business analysts have expertise in the business domain and best practices processes and technologies to successfully lead the entire software development life cycle.

KGS Technology Group’s business analysts work on all types of projects from zero-footprint projects to enhancement projects to migration projects and we draw from a broad talent pool to meet client requirements with minimum notice. Our domain expertise includes Finance, Mortgage, Insurance, Data Warehousing, Pharma, Healthcare and more.

KGS Technology Group can advise organizations about various methodologies available for software development such as RUP, Agile Methodologies, BABOK (IIBA), PMBOK (PMI) and their suitability to specific software development needs.

RUP, Waterfall, RAD, ASAP, Agile, Scrum, Crystal, Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), Lean Development and Feature-Driven Development (FDD)

IBM Rational tools, (Rational Clear Case, Clear Quest, ProjectConsole, PureCoverage, Purity, Quality, Request Pro Rose, SoDA for word, Test, I Robot Rose Model Integrator),Jerra,Bugzilla, MS tools (Project and Vision), Mercury tools, and Erwin


  • Enterprise Analysis
  • Requirements Planning Management
  • Requirement Analysis and Documentation
  • Requirements Communication
  • Requirements Implementation
  • Data Analysis
  • UAT and QA Services
  • Training


  • Proven
  • Domain Expertise
  • IIBA Sponsor
  • Cost-effective
