QA & Testing

Quality Assurance Services 

KGS Technology Groupoffers a wide range of Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) services, from test requirements analysis through tool identification, test planning, team planning, test scheduling, test scripting, test execution and test results analysis to detailed reporting.

KGS Technology Group employs the highest standards in the industry to ensure the reliability of the system we test, and we help customers roll out bug-free products in the shortest possible time-every time.

Functionally Testing
Functionality Testing reveals issues related to a product’s functionality and conformance to stated/documented behavior, KGS Technology Group employs industry standard testing techniques to thoroughly test the functionality of the software against its documented specifications. Functional Testing includes the following:
* 4 Unit (or class) Testing * Integration Testing * System Testing

Browser/Platform Compatibility Testing
The purpose of Compatibility Testing is to reveal issues related to a product’s interaction with other software (operating systems, browsers, installed applications) as well as hardware (video cards, sound cards, processors). KGS Technology Group evaluates the software product both visually and functionally against all browsers, operating systems, connection types, speeds, ISPs, other hardware software, as applicable.

Website Testing
KGS Technology Group employs the same functionality and Compatibility Testing disciplines described above toe ensure that the world sees an organization’s website exactly as it was designed it to be seen.

Performance Load Testing
Stress Testing is designed to reveal issues related to a product’s performance under extreme/non-normal operating environments (low system resources, heavy load, etc.) as well as to quantify the stree level at which a system’s response significantly degrades. Using sophisticated software tools, KGS Technology Group stress tests an application by increasing the load on the application to any desired level.

Automated Testing
Automated Testing aids in the overall testing effort and can supplement the manual testing process and provide valuable insight in a speedy, objective way. KGS Technology Group’s engineers are certified in the use of sophisticated automated testing tools designed to create a repetitive and controlled testing environment.

Regression Testing/Validation
Regression Testing ensures that previously detected and fixed issues really are fixed, do not reappear, and that new issues are not introduced into the program as a result of the changes made. Regression testing is automated using tools.

Manual Testing
Manual Testing is still the ultimate quality ensuring process. KGS includes Manual Testing in its STLC methodology in unit testing, integration testing, use case testing, scenario testing and UAT testing, in addition to automated testing methods.

Tools and Technologies
Rational Site, Junit, Jcover, Rational Visual Test, Mercury Test Tools Suite, QTP, Selenium,ALM.



  • Functionality Testing
  • Browser/Platform Compatibility Testing
  • Website Testing
  • Mobile Testing
  • Performance / Load Testing
  • Automated Testing
  • Game/Multimedia Testing
  • Client/Server LAN Driven Application Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • Wireless Application Testing
  • Manual Testing
  • Validation of systems as per FDR 21


  • Experienced professionals
  • State-of-the-art facilities
  • Highly responsive teams
  • Secure and confidential
  • Utilize latest testing standards & methodologies
