Full-time Job Assistance Program

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Automate Your Job Hunt With KGS

Fulltime Job Search Assistance is an innovative strategy that empowers job seekers to dramatically increase their chances of landing their dream job. As a team, we will utilize the best technology, strategy, resources, and services to help you optimize and navigate your job search. The purpose of this program is to transform the job search process for job seekers. This program empowers individuals to find fulfilling careers that align with their passions, skills, and aspirations.

Why should you Join us?

Lack of Time & Existing Commitments

Our customers find themselves juggling current responsibilities such as work and personal life, alongside searching for a job, which creates a time crunch and increased pressure to land their next interview. Job seekers find themselves spending hours on end, manually applying for jobs struggling to balance their existing commitments while dedicating time to the demanding job search process.


Technology plays a key part due to client’s automated applicant tracking systems and AI-driven resume screenings which inadvertently leads to overlooked qualified candidates.

Career Transitions

Finding a core job is too difficult at this competitive job market. Career transitions can be a tough journey, filled with improbability and self-doubt, as job seekers are forced to step out of their comfort zones and navigate unmapped professional territories.

Very Specific Search Criteria

Many of our customers are confused with very specific search criteria and finding it extremely difficult to find the right opportunities that match their skills and aspirations.

Specific Job Boards

Most of the candidates have no idea where to apply. Limiting the job hunt process to some specific job boards will obstruct them to reach a targeted dream job.

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